Mastery over the desire for sex

        Sex is one of the greatest of all forces which motivate human beings. Because of this fact, it is also one of the most dangerous forces. If humans would control their desires and transmute them into a driving force which which to carry on their occupation that is command if they spent on their work one half the time they dessipate in pursuit sex, they will never know provety. The relationship between sex and poverty is that where sex is not under control, it will quickly need one to poverty.
     All great leaders in every walk of life are highly sexy, but they follow the habit of controlling the sex desires, switching them into a driving force behind the occupation. Is it possible to master the emotion of sex? Yes, by the simple process for transmuting that emotion into some form of activities other than copulation. Should one not indulge in desire in desire for sex? No, sex, like all other forces available to man, should be understood, mastered, and lastly made to serve river. The desire can no more be killed than one can entirely stop a flowing river. If the emotion of sex is shut off from the natural mode of expression, it will break out in some other less desirable form,  just as a river will,  if dammed, breakthrough and flow around the dam. The person who has self-discipline understand the emotions of sex, respect it, and learn to control and transmute it into construction activities.
        Unfortunately, the greatest damage is that, It depletes the source of man's what is driving force, and waste, without adequate compesation man's creative energy.
     Forrtunately, a well-controlled sex desire would; keeps the nnervous system charged with the energy needed carry on the work of maintaining the body, sharpens the imagination and enables one to create useful ideas, gives one immunity against discouragemnt. Accurate thinking is aided by properly controlled and directed sex emotion because sex emotion is the same energy as that which one thinks. It begin with those who desire self-determination sufficiently to be willing to pay its price.

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